Soul World Membership Community Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct – The Important Stuff


Welcome to the Ainslie MacLeod’s Soul World Community membership program. We trust you’ve found this safe haven through your desire for investigation, mutual support, and harmony. To get the most from being a member of this sanctuary, please review the following ground rules and expectations:

Visit the Soul World Lounge Often

To get the most from your membership, visit the Soul World Lounge, our private members-only forum, as often as you can. The Lounge is your space to connect with like-minded old souls like yourself. Like anything in life, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out. You’ll receive a link to the Lounge via email after your membership enrollment has been processed.

Share Regularly

Feel free to offer support and words of encouragement, and share relevant insights. This helps to create a sense of safety and support for you and everyone in the Lounge. This is your spiritual family—be there for them and with them on your journey of exploration.

Do Not Offer Advice, Unless Someone Specifically Asks for it

Cultivate the art of listening and learning. Offer support, encouragement, and food for thought. But please steer clear of “this is what you should or need to do” kind of advice.

Leave Any Judgment or Negativity at the Door

The Soul World Lounge is a safe space for spiritual seekers—a healing environment that requires honesty, kindness and respect. The Lounge is not a place for judgment, gossiping, or negative critiquing. Judging yourself or others is never a good use of time, and it undermines your ability to show up fully present. If you find yourself feeling judgmental or annoyed by something someone has said, ask yourself whether that judgment and negativity represents the places where you’re having judgment against yourself. Whenever you’re feeling triggered by someone or something, it’s a good time to express gentleness and compassion (externally and internally).

Show Humility

Some people will be drawn to the Soul World Lounge because they’re healing past life issues of rejection, or because they’re searching for community. For that reason, it’s vital that we support one another here, and it’s important to be mindful that not everyone is at the same level of spiritual awareness. Some members are new to all of this while others have been around the block a few more times. We urge you to act with humility while you’re here, and bear in mind that none of us have all the answers. Even the wisest teacher is still a student in some ways.

Be Respectful

The Soul World Lounge is a safe and supportive place, and needs to remain that way. We have a zero-tolerance policy for disrespect, insults, criticism, or rude language. If you violate the prime directive to be supportive and respectful, your participation in the Lounge will be revoked, and your membership in the Soul World Community may be terminated.

Show up With an Open Mind and an Open Heart Chakra

The Soul World Lounge is a place of inquiry and exploration. Some of what you learn here will be familiar to you. Some will not. Some things might even challenge you. We encourage you to come with an open heart and mind, and always remember that your soul seeks knowledge, understanding, and love from everything it does.

No Selling or Marketing of Products or Services

The Soul World Lounge is not a place to sell products, or market your services. If you post any marketing materials, or promote your services, you will be kindly asked not to do so again, and your post will be deleted. If you post marketing or promotional materials again, your access to the Lounge will be revoked, and your membership in the Soul World Community may be terminated.

Keep Discussions and Posts Relevant to Monthly Explorations

You are here for a reason—to learn from Ainslie and his spirit guides. While you may choose to create friendships and share information with other members outside of the Lounge (if the desire is mutual), please keep your discussions inside the Lounge focused on content relevant to our monthly explorations or other material presented by Ainslie and his guides.

We also ask that you be mindful about not sharing resources from others (e.g.  movies, quotes, books, websites, courses, etc.). While the world is filled with many wise and profound spiritual teachers, you’re here to learn from Ainslie and the spirit guides. This is especially important for old souls with a strong mission of Exploration. For these folks, it is incredibly easy to lose focus from too many distractions.